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What Other Psychological Challenges Accompany ADHD? adhd Oct 25, 2023

In today's discussion, I aim to pull back the curtain on the lesser-known companions of ADHD: its comorbidities. Now, if you've been on this journey for a while, you'll know that ADHD, with its vibrant and energetic nature, can be quite a party. And I mean that in the most literal sense;...

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Do You Know These 7 Executive Functions? Oct 18, 2023

Let's dive into the intricate workings of the teenage brain today. Executive functions are essentially the command and control systems of our brain. They’re not about intelligence, but rather about how we execute daily tasks.

Meet Dr. Russell Barkley, a pillar in ADHD research, with almost...

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Protect Your Teen from Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria Oct 03, 2023

We've all felt that pang of rejection at some point in our lives, right? Today, I want to dive deep into a term that might sound a bit heavy but is crucial to understand when it comes to our teenagers: Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria or RSD.

So, What's RSD?

Simply put, RSD is that deep,...

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A Simple Way to Understand Your Teenager's Brain Sep 26, 2023

Have you ever felt like deciphering your teenager's mood swings was equivalent to decoding an ancient language? One moment they're calm and collected, the next they're exploding like a firecracker. But don't fret, because today I'm going to introduce you to the fascinating world of the teenage...

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How to Cool Down Your Fired-Up Teenager emotions Sep 18, 2023

Do you ever feel like you're walking on eggshells around your teenager? One minute they're silent and brooding, the next they're a hot mess of histrionics. Let me tell you—you're not alone.

What Is Hot Cognition?

First things first, let's get into some jargon. You, dear parents, generally...

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The Art and Science of Praising Your Teenager Sep 06, 2023

Hello, amazing parents! Welcome to a topic that has been on my mind a lot lately—the right and wrong ways to praise your teenager. Now, you may be thinking, "Is it even possible to mess this up? Compliments are always good, right?"

Well, I'm here to tell you that the way you praise can...

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What NOT to Say to Someone With ADHD adhd Sep 01, 2023

What Not to Say to Someone with ADHD: Dispelling Myths, Promoting Compassion

Hello everyone, I'm Annie Adjan, your go-to resource for parenting and managing ADHD at home and in school. Today, we're tackling a sensitive issue: the misconceptions surrounding ADHD and what you should never say to...

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My Favorite Time Management Tool for Teens with ADHD time management Aug 13, 2023

Today, I'm excited to share a gem of a strategy that’s transformed how countless teens, especially those with ADHD, approach their time. Meet the Pomodoro Technique!

Ever wondered about the incredible power housed in our brain's prefrontal cortex? It's the hub of our executive functioning...

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The Power of ADHD Coaching for Teens and Parents adhd Aug 13, 2023

Today, I'm diving into a topic close to my heart: ADHD coaching. If you've ever wondered why many professionals suggest coaching for ADHD, buckle up, because today we unravel that mystery.

Why Coaching Isn't Just for CEOs

Coaching might be synonymous with startup founders or Fortune 500...

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The Magic of Metacognition adhd Jul 30, 2023

Title: "Unlocking Neurodiversity: A Practical Approach to Improving ADHD Executive Functions"

In the realm of neurodiversity, one method that stands out is the H-E-D-Y-D-T approach developed by Dr. David Nowell. This acronym, which stands for "How Exactly Did You Do That?" is a tool I've found...

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The Greatest Fear of ADHD Parents adhd Jul 29, 2023

Hello there, fellow parents!  We all fret about academic performances, societal pressures, eating habits, and of course, their social life. But let's go deeper, to a concern that many parents confide in me - the yearning for their child to be capable of self-care and living independently...

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Transform Your Student's Planner into Their Scholastic Superpower Jul 15, 2023

Do you have a neurodivergent or neurotypical teenager who seems to be struggling academically? Or perhaps you're just a proactive parent seeking to equip your child with the right tools to succeed? Whatever your case may be, you've come to the right place. I believe every child has the ability...

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